The behind-the-scenes mechanism that locks and unlocks the car's doors with just the push of a button is the power door lock actuator. It is installed in the door and includes a motor, gear and connecting rod, or a cable, which can be retracted to operate the lock. In some cars, the door lock actuator is located under the latch. One rod connects the actuator to the door latch, and the other rod connects the door latch to the handle that protrudes from the top of the door.

On many modern vehicles, the lock actuator is monitored by an electronic control device (such as a body control module), which must receive the correct anti-theft code from the remote key transmitter before sending the current to unlock the door. Each door has its own power lock actuator, the motor rotates in one direction to lock the door, and rotates in the other direction to unlock them. The connecting rod usually has a hook at the end, which can move the lock up or down. The actuator may stop working or have intermittent problems due to worn electrical contacts or circuits, dirt on the gears, or motor failure due to long-term use.

You can unlock a car door with a door lock actuator in a variety of ways, including:

1. Use key

2. Press the unlock button in the car

3. Use the combination lock on the outside of the door

4. Pull up the handle on the inside of the door

5. Use the keyless entry remote

6. Signal from the control center

Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Door Lock Actuator

The power door lock actuator is a simple component, but essential to the operation of the electric door lock-this is one of the most commonly used functions of any vehicle. According to the symptoms of damage or malfunction of the door lock actuator, check whether you need to replace the door lock actuator, as shown below.

Power Door Lock Doesn’t Work

If the door lock actuator fails, they will disable the power door lock function. This will require the driver to use a key to lock or unlock the door, and can completely disable the power door locks of vehicles that do not use traditional keys (such as newer luxury cars).

Power Door Lock Operates Erratically

Another symptom of potential problems with electric door lock actuators is that the door lock does not behave properly. If the actuators have any kind of internal or wiring problems, it may cause them to lock and unlock unexpectedly quickly, or cause them to work intermittently.

Strange Noises When Operating the Power Lock

An abnormal noise from inside the door is one of the first symptoms of potential problems with power door lock actuators. Most electric door locks use gears or motors to operate, and these gears or motors may make a quiet hum or noise during operation. These noises are normal. However, if the noise suddenly becomes louder or more pronounced, this may indicate that the gear or motor is wearing. The noise may become louder until the actuator eventually fails.

Sluggish Operation From the Door Lock

In some cases, a weak door lock actuator may still be able to operate the door lock, but the operation may be slow and/or intermittent.